The below items are punishable offenses!
Be warned you will be judged… possibly harshly with public shame and likely banishment.
Trading accounts or items for other servers or selling stuff for real money is not allowed.
If you’re caught botting in town that = banishment!
Don't use us to propagate your spam or shamelessly advertise for irrelevant things (ie other servers etc.)
Please note that Ditto Kal V2 is totally free, donations are appreciated however, not required and the decision whether or not to donate is totally at your discretion. Any donations made are non-refundable
Will not restore lost or broken items… don't ask, the answer will be no.
Please note that although we encourage people to be adults and respectful we're also not your parents, teachers, or feel like we should have to police adults. Most likely you will run into some players who swear or say some off color things. We'r also not referees, we will step in if its obvious someone is blatantly taking advantage of something but we're not going to wrist slap or put people in timeout for every little thing. Finally the above are all subject to change, addition, or subtraction if deemed necessary by Ditto Kal V2 admin. Also this is not a democracy. Oh and we say this with ♥️ for you all!

Assasin's masks are always allowed, they are even encouraged with disabled drops. 😈